Searching for a new home can be a challenge; you have to make sure the house has all of the features you need, obtain financing, negotiate with the sellers…the ever-growing list can seem daunting. But with the help of your trusty real estate agent, it’s nothing you can’t handle. That is, until you find out your personal information or finances may have been compromised by cyber criminals somewhere along the line.

Cue panic attack.

It’s become common practice for cyber criminals to hack into email systems and attempt to steal personal information. Unfortunately, many of these scammers see real estate transactions as a gold mine, and rightfully so; there’s a ton of money changing hands and personal information galore. These criminals collect private information by sending emails to buyers prior to their closing, pretending to be their real estate agent or title company.

It’s important to practice extreme caution when you give out any sort of financial or personal information, even if it seems to make sense at the time. These scammers are skilled at deception—it’s what they do for a living.

Avoid becoming a victim of these online con artists by making sure you know exactly who you are communicating with and contacting your professionals directly through phone numbers you’ve previously established are safe. Emails that tell you there’s been a last-minute change or demand immediate action are red flags, and you should exercise caution when clicking on links or opening attached pdf files. Hover your mouse over links before clicking to make sure they are from trusted websites or navigate to the website yourself.

At Title Junction, your security and comfort are of the utmost importance to us. If you don’t feel comfortable giving your information via email, we’ll be more than happy to accommodate you on the phone. Still not comfortable? Stop by our Fort Myers office and speak to us in person to verify any needed information. When you close with us, we will always give you the real estate/closing relationship you deserve.

At Title Junction we care about helping you stay informed throughout your real estate transaction. Have questions? Give us a call at 239.415.6574.

In case you missed it, check out our last Title Junction post: Understanding Loan Fees and Their Origins

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