by Jennifer Ferri | Aug 11, 2022 | Courtesy/Witness Closing
There are a variety of circumstances that can prevent or delay a closing, but there are two in particular that pertain to the condition of the home itself. A home appraisal looks at the monetary value of the property, while a home inspection looks at the structural...
by Jennifer Ferri | Aug 4, 2022 | Buying, Selling
Whenever you buy or sell a piece of real property, the transaction, like most things in life, is taxed. In Florida, this particular tax is referred to as the documentary stamp tax, or doc stamp for short. Doc stamps are paid at closing, and it’s typically the seller...
by Jennifer Ferri | Jul 28, 2022 | Credit
Obtaining your credit history is as easy as calling and requesting one. Once you receive the report, it’s important to verify its accuracy. Here are three major credit reporting companies you can use to check your credit score: Equifax –...
by Jennifer Ferri | Jul 21, 2022 | Courtesy/Witness Closing
Scheduling your closing is one of the final steps in your journey to owning a new home. But while it may sound like the easiest step, there are a few factors to take into consideration when deciding on the timing of your closing. Month of the Year Most any month of...
by Jennifer Ferri | Jul 14, 2022 | Closing Documents
Your closing disclosure documents the actual terms of your loan transaction. You should receive it no later than 3 business days before consummation. It must be in writing – paper or digital. If the loan terms or costs change prior to consummation, your...