Asset Division: How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce?
When the legal state of marriage is ended by divorce, legal commitments by the couple - property, debts and more - must be resolved. Asset division can be complicated and emotional, and legal advice is frequently required.
While laws vary by state, the divorce pr...

5 Reasons Why Your Closing Should Be Insured
When you purchase a new home in Fort Myers or Cape Coral, your title company will give you the option to purchase title insurance. While it’s tempting to say ‘nah, I’m good’ and simply close on the house without a second thought, you should first consider what y...

How Seller Concessions Work
Seller concessions, seller contributions, seller credits and closing cost credits—what do these things have in common? Well, how about the fact that they’re all the exact same thing? Seller concessions are essentially monetary contributions the buyer asks the seller...
How Does Bankruptcy Protection Work?
When a person or business concludes that paying off their debts just isn't a realistic option, they may file for bankruptcy in Federal Bankruptcy court. A bankruptcy filing places an automatic stay on debt-related actions and judgements, including wage garnishment�...

Are Title Companies Still Open?
The ever-shifting status of the COVID-19 pandemic has made navigating the world of business into a nearly endless string of questions:
“What businesses are still open?”
“What services are considered essential?”
“What essential services should I leave ...

What Is ‘The Gap’ and How Is It Insured?
‘The gap’ is the period of time between when a title commitment or update is prepared, and when the deed and/or mortgage is recorded in public records. This period generally only lasts a few days or weeks, during which a new lien or interest in the property may be r...

Social Distancing and Real Estate
With the current state of the world, and the United States in particular, social distancing has made it necessary to get creative with the way we do business in the real estate sector. People are being encouraged to stay home to help avoid spreading COVID-19, so where o...
Power of Attorney: The Most Common Types
Imagine a board game player telling a friend 'roll for me, but don't sell anything.' Would the friend continue to roll when the player returned? Probably not. In game terms, they were granting a limited, temporary power to act on their behalf. These two concepts - ...

3 Tips On How to Write a Great FSBO Property Listing Ad
The key to an effective For Sale By Owner (FSBO) property listing ad is to tell the homebuyers enough to get them interested, but not give them all of the information. The objective is to leave potential buyers intrigued enough to seek out more information about the pro...

Real Estate Title Insurance: Do I Need It?
The short answer? Yes, you absolutely do need real estate title insurance!
There’s a lot of misconception that title insurance just isn’t necessary. Well, that’s not the truth—or even the best decision. When you obtain a loan to purchase a home, your lender w...