by Jennifer Ferri | Dec 13, 2018 | Buying, Selecting
If you’re viewing multiple house listings in pursuit of “the one,” it can be a challenge to keep track of all the details. Was it the first property that needed bath renovations or the second? Did your realtor say that one of the property owners would negotiate on...
by Jennifer Ferri | Nov 20, 2018 | Buying, Financing, Mortgages
If you happen to have some extra money on hand and you want to speed up the process of claiming full ownership of your home, then we have good news! By sending in extra money each month or making an extra payment at the end of the year you can speed up the...
by Jennifer Ferri | Nov 15, 2018 | Buying, Selling, Title and Closing
Just because you’re purchasing a home doesn’t mean that your life conveniently pauses until you reach the closing table, right? Of course not! Many buyers and sellers still have to proceed with not only everyday life but other engagements as well. For example, some...
by Jennifer Ferri | Oct 29, 2018 | Buying, Financing, Mortgages
If you’re looking for a home you’ve probably heard the terms pre-qualified and pre-approval thrown around a few times. But what is the difference between these two concepts? How important is it that you obtain one or the other from your lender? So What Is...
by Jennifer Ferri | Oct 15, 2018 | Buying, Closing Documents, Selling, Title and Closing
Before you can move into your dream house, a settlement has to take place. If all goes well, you are officially a new homeowner. But what happens when there is a bump in the road, like say…an escrow dispute? When involved in a real estate closing transaction, an...
by Jennifer Ferri | Sep 17, 2018 | Buying, Closing Documents, Title and Closing
Can I bring my funds in cash? Can I pay the balance with my credit card? The simple answer? No. There are a few ways that payment can be made. However, with an array of fraud on our door steps, some companies have tailored what will be accepted at closing. Even more...