If you’re looking for a home you’ve probably heard the terms pre-qualified and pre-approval thrown around a few times. But what is the difference between these two concepts? How important is it that you obtain one or the other from your lender?

So What Is Pre-Qualification?

Pre-qualifying for a loan is a very informal way of calculating how much you may be able to borrow from your lender. Most lenders will allow you to pre-qualify over the phone as long as you provide a few items like your income, your debt, and how large of a down payment you are able to afford. From this point you will be able to have an approximate estimate on how much your loan will be approved for.

Then What Does It Mean to Be Pre-Approved?

A pre-approval is a much more formal commitment detailing the exact dollar amount that may be loaned to you. In order to be pre-approved your financial records will be analyzed and a document will be signed and distributed by your lender. Taking the initiative to get pre-approved shows both sellers and realtors that you are serious about purchasing a home and one that will fit your budget exactly.

At Title Junction we care about helping you stay informed throughout your real estate transaction. Have questions? Give us a call at 239.415.6574.

In case you missed it, check out our last Title Junction post: What Is A ‘Business Day’ For Real Estate Loan Disclosures?

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