
Real Estate Rumors Revealed

Real Estate Rumors Revealed

Rumors are everywhere, whether they’re about the latest celebrity scandal or political policies. But what about rumors in the real estate market? Believe it or not, there are quite a few common real estate rumors floating around! Avoid these fallacy mix-ups by staying...

Alternatives To Litigation

While there's no concrete answer to how long a lawsuit process might take in court, US cases take over a year on average, and cases running 5 or more years are not unheard of. The load of cases before state courts has increased over time, while staffing has not. Sta...
Going Green: At Home and In Your Wallet

Going Green: At Home and In Your Wallet

[three_fourth_last]In this day and age, we hear about all sorts of promotions and catchy phrases such as “go green” in order to promote the idea of a healthier environment. We’ve made huge technological strides in a short time period and through our own amazement,...

What is a Limited Liability Corporation?

In US law, corporations are organizations authorized to act as a legal entity. United States law also recognizes another legal status for a company, called a 'limited liability corporation,' or LLC for short. LLCs are not separate legal entities like regular corpora...

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