
Ideas to Transform Your Bathroom into a Spa
Most bathrooms today feature spa-like designs.
If you are anything like me, you most likely spend a fair amount of time in the bathroom getting ready for work or going out on the town. The good news is that you can renovate your bathroom into...

Simple Yard Improvement Ideas that Will Increase Home Value
Yard improvement doesn’t have to be complicated for you to get the benefit of increased value
Improving your yard's look is simple and easy with today’s access to new and improved landscaping tools and features.
If you are comfortable ...

Paying Cash, Do I Need Title Insurance?
Certainly, paying cash for a real estate transaction can speed up the process
Paying cash for your real estate transaction will certainly speed up the process and can eliminate a number of closing costs. As a cash buyer you may have some ques...

9 Reasons why YOU need title insurance!
Have you ever wondered why you need title insurance?
Although your home may be new to you, every property has a history. A

Covered or Not Covered – Title Insurance
Do you know if you are covered with Title Insurance?
When a real estate purchase is made, the buyer is purchasing the title to the property. The title gives the buyer the right to occupy said property and space. In some instances, the title ma...

Choosing the Right Title Company for You
Choosing the right title company can make all the difference
Closing a real estate transaction can be a stressful ordeal. After all the contract negotiations,

Steps to Closing Your Real Estate Transaction Smoothly
If you've been a part of a real estate transaction, you know that closing your real estate can be a long and tiring process.
Once all the negotiating and

Are There Advantages to a Seller Purchasing a Home Warranty?
Whether you’re buying or selling a home, a home warranty can be very practical to have.
Many sellers think there is no reason for them to buy a home warranty on a home they are going to be leaving soon; however, there are advantages to purch...

Things You Should Be Looking For At An Open House
Open House priorities when looking for a home
When visiting an open house, most people like to run straight to the master bedroom and bath, and then to the kitchen. Their focus is on the most obvious things when they should be thinking about all the small de...

FIRPTA for Properties with Foreign Sellers
Title Agents Need to Remember FIRPTA When Dealing with Properties with Foreign Sellers
Across the entire nation, the U.S. has undoubtedly remained one of the top destinations for foreign home buyers with over 3 percent of all existing home sales being accounte...