Is It Okay To Alter the Photos On My Listing?

Is It Okay To Alter the Photos On My Listing?

Altered photos—they’re everywhere. Image editing software like Photoshop has made it easy to alter pictures, profiles, memes…you name it. But where do we draw the line when it comes to altering real estate photos for a listing? The purpose of listing photos is to...
Can I Secretly Record Home Buyers In My House?

Can I Secretly Record Home Buyers In My House?

In this day and age, recording activity both inside and outside our homes has become almost standard practice. But what about when the time comes to sell your home? Many home sellers are encouraged to leave the premises so they aren’t underfoot during showings by...
Do Fruit Trees Add Resale Value To A Property?

Do Fruit Trees Add Resale Value To A Property?

In Florida, there’s a wide variety of fruit trees that can grow almost effortlessly in homeowner’s backyards. Oranges, lemons, mangos, and even starfruit are just a few of the more common fruits these trees can produce. But as for whether these trees can add resale...
Where Did My Money Go After Selling My Home?

Where Did My Money Go After Selling My Home?

For a lot of home sellers, there’s an expectation that if the buyer pays a certain amount for the home, that’s the amount of money the seller should receive, right? But in real estate, things aren’t always so cut and dried, which can lead to the question: “Why is the...
Home Selling Snafus: Error On the Deed

Home Selling Snafus: Error On the Deed

Let’s say you’ve owned your home for a while now and have finally decided it’s time to sell it. You find a buyer, and their lawyer asks for the deed in order to review the manner in which title was originally received. Upon this review, the lawyer discovers that the...
I Found A Home Buyer…Now What?

I Found A Home Buyer…Now What?

As a seller, your main goal is obviously to sell your home. So once that mission is finally accomplished and you’ve accepted your home buyer’s offer, you may think that your job is done. Wrong! There are still a few things left to take care of. For example, the seller...
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