
What Does Title Insurance Even Do?

What Does Title Insurance Even Do?

Title Insurance is an enigma to many homeowners, leaving you to wonder “Do I even need it?” Homeowner’s insurance obviously covers you if anything bad happens to your new home like a fire, so what’s the use of title insurance if your home is already protected? ...

Questions to Ask When House Hunting

House hunting is an exciting undertaking. After all, you're choosing the place your family is going to call home! However, the process is a bit more complicated than shopping for a new pair of shoes, so you'll want to make sure you're asking all of the right house hun...
Buyers Beware: Scammers Are Targeting Your Inbox

Buyers Beware: Scammers Are Targeting Your Inbox

Searching for a new home can be a challenge; you have to make sure the house has all of the features you need, obtain financing, negotiate with the sellers…the ever-growing list can seem daunting. But with the help of your trusty real estate agent, it’s nothing you ...

Understanding Loan Fees and Their Origins

Loan application fees. Yuck. Nobody likes to shell out money just to apply for a loan, but it's a necessary evil. The loan origination process does involve work on the lender's side, and the application fee pays for the costs of underwriting the loan, the hom...

PMI? What’s That?

If you type PMI into Google, the first result that pops up will likely be for a non-profit organization. But if you scroll down a few results, you’ll see the meaning that makes a lot more sense within the context of buying a house: Private Mortgage Insurance....

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