
2 Rooms That Really Sell Your Home

2 Rooms That Really Sell Your Home

Planning to sell your home? You will likely want to make the most of your time and extra cash.  As a seller with a tight timeline, you’ll want focus on these 2 rooms first when you are planning to sell your home. The two most closely inspected rooms of a...
4 Title Insurance Tips

4 Title Insurance Tips

Title Insurance tips that will assist in putting all the pieces together. When it comes to title insurance for real estate, many people see it as a closing cost that is a pointless expense.  However, once they understand the value of title insurance and the r...
8 Budgeting Tips

8 Budgeting Tips

Proper budgeting can save you a lot of hassle. Budgeting can be hard and at moments feel impossible but the importance it plays in our everyday lives is crucial for those curve balls we tend to see keep popping up. You get sick and miss a week of work, it s...

What Is Earnest Money?

Earnest money is money you put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home. It must be substantial enough to demonstrate good faith and is usually between 1-5% of the purchase price. However, the amount can vary depending on local customs and con...
Top 4 Reasons to Offer Seller Financing

Top 4 Reasons to Offer Seller Financing

To some sellers, ‘seller financing’ is like a dirty word. But don’t turn your nose up at the idea so quickly! Here are 4 reasons why a seller should consider seller financing, or at least hear a buyer out if they ask for the option. 1. Sell difficult prope...

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