
What Is Power of Attorney?

When you hear the words 'power of attorney,' you might assume they hold significant weight from a legal standpoint. And you'd be right. The two most basic types of types of power of attorney are general power of attorney and limited power of attorney
Beware of Unlicensed Title Agents

Beware of Unlicensed Title Agents

Buying or selling a house is one of the most important financial decisions you will ever make and can be a life-changing experience. While it’s standard procedure to research your real estate agent and lender to make sure they are qualified and the best fit for you, m...
Understanding the Basics of Short Sales

Understanding the Basics of Short Sales

If you’re thinking about purchasing a short sale property you probably have a few questions, such as whether the title is free and clear or if liens could present a problem. These are very important questions that you want to have fully answered before making a seriou...

What Is A Short Sale?

When a lender releases an existing mortgage for a payoff that is less or 'short' of the total amount due, the transaction is called a 'short sale.' Lenders sometimes accept short sales as an alternative to repossession and foreclosure, which can be expensive. Lik...
Ways to Hold Real Estate Title

Ways to Hold Real Estate Title

One of the most important choices you will make as a property buyer is how to hold real estate title to your property. Holding title to a property refers to how you own the property and the rights that go along with it. Along with choosing how to hold title, buyers have...

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