
How Can I Keep Track of the Homes I View?

How Can I Keep Track of the Homes I View?

If you’re viewing multiple house listings in pursuit of “the one,” it can be a challenge to keep track of all the details. Was it the first property that needed bath renovations or the second? Did your realtor say that one of the property owners would negotiate on...

Could My Loan Costs Exceed The Loan Estimate?

Yes, within defined limits. Service charges for which YOU shop and select a provider may change; the creditor is NOT responsible for providers who are NOT on their written list. In addition, prepaid interest, property insurance premiums and escrow or reserve deposit...

Can I Pay Off My Loan Early?

If you happen to have some extra money on hand and you want to speed up the process of claiming full ownership of your home, then we have good news! By sending in extra money each month or making an extra payment at the end of the year you can speed up the process of ...

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